Senryu is yang as Haiku is yin

It seems like some form of literary segregation, “butterflies, hummingbirds, and herons, fly forward please. Humans, staind glass, space shuttles step to the rear.” There may be an actual cultural basis for this, rooted in cino/japanese religious bias.In short, haiku is based on, and radiates from zen buddhism. Senryu and its motives are taoist in approach,design and ultimate execution.
The goal of zazen(sitting cross legged) the koan( conundrum riddle) and haiku(affirming utterance) is to draw the eternal student into the ultimate peace of infinite nothingness. While the i ching(book of changes) tai chi(the exercise name means filling and emptying) and senryu (the Japanese equivilent to Bob-speak)seek to synchronize the eternal master with the rhythm of the cosmos.Zen seeks to remove us from It, Tao seeks to embed us in it.

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