Archive for the ‘Haiku versus Senryu’ Category

Seventeen Poems, Weasels Haikudo Oprah, For the I-pod Crowd
September 8, 2007

Seventeen pixels
Tiny e-mail love poem
Virtual wooing

Pigtails in inkwells
Serenades at her windows
Win her heart with words

Across the ocean
Simply whisper I miss you
He begins swimming

Romance is for coots
Check out fresh haiku hook-ups
Sweet and smooth as butter

Yo! That was dope dawg
Caught her posting in her blog
Piggy for your frog

Knee-deep in loves swamp
Should have taken that left turn
At Alburqurque

Twenty four seven
Creative awakenings
Short verse solutions

Learn to write haiku
Sexy women want poets
Kissing their earlobes

But this ain’t haiku
Some sad stack of senryu
This ink gets no pink

Small minded weasles
Would not have read to this point
Cool suprise ending

One hundred of these
“Ain’t haiku” ring real enough
For Oprah Winfrey

Go to Chicago
Studio audience laughs
Nation buys my book

Rocket to the top
New York Times Bestseller list
Buy Mom a new house

Small minded weasles
Wallow in obscurity
Whining denials

Go define yourself
I already have a name
Meaning “Great Word Way”

Affirmation verse
Along the water-course Way
Ten thousand poems

Down some other day
Approaching creative peak
Haikudo fever

Senryu/Tao Versus Haiku/Zen
August 20, 2007

At each edge of awareness everything resolves into infinitely interconnected packets of energy. Somewhere between quarks and quasars, awareness disengages from the universal life field and makes the unsupportable conclusion the we are apart from and superior to the All Flow. We go to amazing lengths to dam it, and store it, and sell it to our neighbor. This is all vanity and vexations to the soul. The soul is the part of awareness that is still engaged in the Flow and after our sixty or eighty years in struggle against the flow of the vast cosmic truth we can release our claim on one little corner of the third dimension and join, if you will, the part of awareness that sees and approves of the unbreakable connection between the Self and All There Is. Of course this is my personal resonance of taoism. There is an opposing view stating at the moment of death we sink below an event horizon never to be seen nor heard from again. All traces are erased. Every echo silenced. What we are and what we have touched becomes ash and the ash disappeares leaving empty nothingness where the illusion of spendor had us all convinced something was actually out there. This is my vision of zen. Haiku is intimately identified with zen. The closer we come to nothingness the closer we come to the ultimate reality. this is why haiku focuses on such a narrow band of the material plane.It is a door to satori. A chance to “get away from it all” Aha! nothingness! See how beautiful the world would be without the world in the way! The utility of the empty vessel. Yea, well, hooey! Senryu is the yang of haiku yin.

Tweeking star nipples
Make me a constellation
Of your clitoris

Senryu Vision
August 20, 2007

My friend round the bend
Closes his mind all is zen
Poignant senryu

Haiku tried to peak
Every time some guy is there
Constant senryu

Eyes stare unblinking
I will see and be it all
Senryu vision

All night in garden
Or some in your lady friend
Sexy senryu

Wake up next to her
The whole world can’t do haiku
Senryu sunrise

Senryu is yang as Haiku is yin
August 19, 2007

It seems like some form of literary segregation, “butterflies, hummingbirds, and herons, fly forward please. Humans, staind glass, space shuttles step to the rear.” There may be an actual cultural basis for this, rooted in cino/japanese religious bias.In short, haiku is based on, and radiates from zen buddhism. Senryu and its motives are taoist in approach,design and ultimate execution.
The goal of zazen(sitting cross legged) the koan( conundrum riddle) and haiku(affirming utterance) is to draw the eternal student into the ultimate peace of infinite nothingness. While the i ching(book of changes) tai chi(the exercise name means filling and emptying) and senryu (the Japanese equivilent to Bob-speak)seek to synchronize the eternal master with the rhythm of the cosmos.Zen seeks to remove us from It, Tao seeks to embed us in it.