Archive for September, 2007

September 8, 2007

South American
jungle cats revered as gods
jaguars stalk at night

shiny ebon fur
superhuman hunting skills
admire the panther

jaguar cub pounces
needle sharp teeth and claws catch
tip of mothers tail

Seventeen Poems, Weasels Haikudo Oprah, For the I-pod Crowd
September 8, 2007

Seventeen pixels
Tiny e-mail love poem
Virtual wooing

Pigtails in inkwells
Serenades at her windows
Win her heart with words

Across the ocean
Simply whisper I miss you
He begins swimming

Romance is for coots
Check out fresh haiku hook-ups
Sweet and smooth as butter

Yo! That was dope dawg
Caught her posting in her blog
Piggy for your frog

Knee-deep in loves swamp
Should have taken that left turn
At Alburqurque

Twenty four seven
Creative awakenings
Short verse solutions

Learn to write haiku
Sexy women want poets
Kissing their earlobes

But this ain’t haiku
Some sad stack of senryu
This ink gets no pink

Small minded weasles
Would not have read to this point
Cool suprise ending

One hundred of these
“Ain’t haiku” ring real enough
For Oprah Winfrey

Go to Chicago
Studio audience laughs
Nation buys my book

Rocket to the top
New York Times Bestseller list
Buy Mom a new house

Small minded weasles
Wallow in obscurity
Whining denials

Go define yourself
I already have a name
Meaning “Great Word Way”

Affirmation verse
Along the water-course Way
Ten thousand poems

Down some other day
Approaching creative peak
Haikudo fever